Hey guys, it's been an awfully long time since I've made a post. To my few fans out there, I'm sorry I've been out of touch. To be honest, after the meager response to the last CTF installment which I consider to be most well-made of the bunch, I kind of veered away from the NG community to pursue making short films. Well, 4 months later, I've made another one that's in post-production right now and it's been a rollercoaster ride to say the least. When it's online, I'll be sure to post it here. Being a filmmaker has been my lifelong goal and so I knew eventually I would have to end my career here on Newgrounds although I firmly believe it is one the main reasons I am the guy I am today. Whenever anyone tells me I have talent, I know it's because I spent endless nights devoted to making flash animation for this website, regardless of how they were received.
I don't know what's going to become of the CTF series in the flash medium. I have the mythology of the show planned out and I wish to tell the entire story as a television series. So here's where you prospective scriptwriters come in and I know you're in abundance on this website.
I have continued the Capture The Flag story on in the form of scripts for now.
This is until I can realize my dream of making it a television series and that will take a few years. To those few who follow the series, post your emails here and I will send you every script. So far, there are a total of 3 written in television half-hour format.
I plan to leave for University next fall. I wanted to stop making flashes as it has always been more of a hobby and film was more my passion. However, in the past few months, I've been craving to make another flash. So before University, I promise to make at least one more. Pleast post here if you wish it to be Capture The Flag: Ep 4 or some standalone flash.
I love all you guys who have supported me. I'm not dead on this website but I think things may drawing to a close for me here. Please let me know how you feel.