
16 Movie Reviews w/ Response

All 29 Reviews

Nice job guys!

I enjoyed this quite a bit. There are some very funny jokes that had me giggling throughout. In terms of animation, Makeshift, your frame by frame at the very opening was truly the best in my opinion. It wasn't very long but that was because the animation was so detailed. I also laughed out loud when I saw Dimeck's short. I hear you're organizing a Supervillain collab? Interesting idea for a collab sequel -- I'll have to keep my eye out :)

Makeshift responds:

Thanks! It's nice getting a review from a good artist like yourself :)

It actually took me 2 weeks (on and off, obviously) to make that short part ^_^
It was for school, that's why I worked so hard on it.

The Supervillain Collab should be great!

btw, Happy Canada Day! XD

This is what Halloween's about!

We all need a Halloween adventure. This is the kind of flash that just gets you right into that fun trick or treating mood. Clever ending too. Brandon, let's get together on October 31st and hunt down Zombies for old times' sake. What do you say?

VintageBro responds:

Haha sounds like a plan im on the plane right now.

Fuck, guy.

Never before have I seen SUCH a blatant ripoff. It's one thing to imitate the style of another author but you clearly took the exact formula of brawl taunts down to opening, the song, and the segment with two players interacting. The solid snake "I'm too sexy for my box" is also a direct ripoff from brawl taunts. I'm not a fan of brawl parodies in the slightest but this really annoyed me. It's a blue for Christ sake's.

It took you 12 hours to make? That's not something to be proud of. Good flashes can be made quick, yes, but other truly well-made ones take weeks and months at a time. I know you're only 15 and I'm being harsh but just sit down and try to come up with an original idea. A unique way of parodying smash bros that no one else has thought of. Try experimenting. Be ironic in your jokes. Writing "Yay Pink" is going for a cutesy style that obviously buys you points but it's a cheap way of getting your flash rated high. There's no way you can tell me this was just for fun because of the blatant ripoffs. It's stuff like this that's hurting the website and dumbing everyone down and it needs to stop. Now.

Nami-Tsuki responds:

Um... no.
I started this at the beginning of this month.
We just worked really hard last night.
I've seen that flash, but it really didn't occur to me that mine is soooo much similar.
I'm not the one who did the "I'm too sexy for my box" thing.
My friend told me to put it in so I did.
You should calm down, this is only the internet.

Great editing

Definitely think about being a director as I am sure you already are. Only a director's eye would know how he wanted this to look exactly and from the looks of it, I think you got exactly what you were going for. You clearly wanted that "all over the place, excited boy experimenting in his room" a certain way. Either that or you just got lucky in editing. Whatever!

The editing is great and I only take off 1 point because it's a video and this is Newgrounds but that's just a technicality. You've got a good sense of humor and now I want to buy a t-shirt and a TANKMAN. Damn it, Hans!

AlmightyHans responds:

yeah i was going for something similar to what you described. i in no way am THAT much of a newgrounds fan boy. i adore it with all my heart, but i was just taking it over the top, of course.

Artwork is breathtaking but the story is lacking.

the drawings are astounding. From the opening shot to the last. I do not agree with the review below me whatsoever except that the character looks like she's from an e-surance commercial but don't take that the wrong way. That's awesome and a very hard style to get right in flash. The animation was seamless and your multiple angles must've demanded redrawing and reanimating over and over.

That being said, I can't help but feel all this talent should be put to better use. Far be it from me to tell a creator what story he should tell but if this flash had the promise of a brilliant plot we would be looking at Newgrounds' next juggernaut. I'm not saying it won't take off or that you shouldn't of set a sci-fi piece around aliens but I really hope you go somewhere with the storyline. It seems that here on newgrounds you either have a great story or great artwork. Anyway, I look forward to the next episode.

danomano65 responds:

well. i have the story set out. from start to finish. i have it all set out. and it's great. theres me and two of my friends brainstorming here dude. there's even a reason to why the aliens are bipedal, which was commented on not being realistic, but who the fuck knows what aliens look like. i'm making sci fi. not realism. sooo if u stay in tune, you'll see a great story unfold.


Great job. This is a very funny song by flight of the concords and it was just screaming to be animated. A lot of their songs could be animated quite well actually. I like your take on the disfigured boy. Also, I thought your dragon model was nice too. One thing I have to say is that for a good part of the flash, they're not doing much but looking at each other. You could've maybe drawn them from a different angle or something. Else than that, the flash was overall good, funny, and a good idea. Nice job.

Gnydsmelt responds:

Thanks, yeah I guess ;P

Absolutely Superb.

The score should be much higher. This must have taken quite a while to do and it was well worth it. I love your style and it seems reminiscent of Akira Toriyama and Dragonball. The actual mangas I mean. Great job :)

NOBU777 responds:

Dragonball!! I am also favorite!

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