I miss you, Joey :(
You've got a great sense of humour. Although you don't produce that many flashes here anymore, you're one of my favorite authors on Newgrounds. It's because you brought me here. Your final fantasy tribute flash got me to start taking up flash animation myself and it's become my beloved hobby. I know this is unrelated to your most recent flash which I will get to in a minute but you're a pretty popular guy and hard to contact. Since this just came out, the review number is fairly low so I like to think you're reading these right now. It may be a little selfish of me to take advantage of that but I will anyway. I have never reviewed one of your flashes so I'm reviewing you as an author and your flashes as a whole.
All your pie, The Return of Ganondorf, Kerri's Big Invention, Resident Evil Flashes, One Ring series....the list goes on. These are all classic flash animations here on Newgrounds. The first time I saw One Ring to Rule them all 2, I was in 7th grade at my friend's house and I noticed it on the front page because my friend and I were big LOTR fans. That was one of the funniest parodies I have ever seen. We quoted it for months. We told people in our class about you and within just a few weeks, our entire class had memorized the lyrics to the Final Fantasy song. You were a main topic of discussion when internet entertainment came up. You were, for a long time, the reason to come to newgrounds.com.
This is why it pisses me off to see so many people intent on hurting you. Joseph, you have always had people who disliked your flashes and many of them were jealous. I don't think you're upset or anything about what some of these people say. It just is a little frustrating. It's a given most of them can't make a flash. You do have to look for the criticism though and better yourself from it. That applies to everyone. There is some ground to what they are saying. Keep in mind, most animators now have tablets. I went out and bought one for myself and the results were fantastic. I don't think many people realize just how hard it is to make flashes with the mouse, using the line. I do, I understand. I made three, one of which took me eight months to make: "The Silent Protagonists". I poured my heart and soul into that flash and I was disappointed with how it was received here on Newgrounds. Looking back, I can see my drawings were not up to par with some of the better looking flashes out there. But I had humour and heart. Just like you have here with The Hobbit. Newgrounders love watching funny material with bad animation. They go crazy for the Awesome series and Egoraptor himself draws badly because people like it. Black and white ballhead flashes make it on the front page every now and then because there is a short funny joke people think is hilarious. It's when you actually try to do something special and make something of yourself when they decide to criticize. "Oh, you're trying to be good? Well you aren't."
There is a german term called "Schadenfreude" for what these people are doing. It's when people love to see the fall of those from high up. We see it everyday now in our culture. Take Martha Stewart for example. What she did wasn't all THAT wrong, it's just the fact that she was a powerful woman and people loved to take pleasure in her fall. It's happening right now with Lindsay Lohan and Britney Spears...Conrad Black too. People tend to think that those above them think they're far superior. Did you think you were superior to us when you were making front page all the time, Joey? I like to think you didn't. No, you were a regular guy like all of us. You found your pleasure and that stemmed from the online world. You were somewhat of a celebrity and that's just fucking cool you know? Good for you. But people like watching you fail. And the truth is, you never really failed. The review system here on Newgrounds determines that and it just became comprised of people telling you you did.
If you're still reading this, I owe you a cookie. I think you're awesome Joey. Never stop doing what you do.
,Andre Szydlowski