Hey everyone. I'm writing a 22 minute version of episode 1. Well the first draft is finished and some pretty big changes are necessary. I'm not sure how I feel about it. Some stuff definitely works whereas other things, I don't know, don't seem to satisfy. Maybe I'm crazy anyway...it's based on Capture The Flag. My newgrounds series. Go check it out if you haven't! I made some pretty big changes to make it fit a 20 minute block though. Currently, the script is 19 pages long but I feel that's definitely as lengthy as I should make it. So anyway, I'll give you guys a taste of what it's about and I'd love any feedback (of course I'm gonna get a little flamed) on the content.
- Evan comes to camp TF, meets a weird kid named Mark.
- We find out a where Evan was three months ago. A completely different setting.
- Evan is having a hard time finding a buddy and Mark suggests asking a big kid.
- The big kids basically crucify Evan.
- We find out what Evan was involved in three months ago. A serious game of Capture The Flag.
- A mysterious man scares the kids who crucified Evan away.
- Evan's friends from the past abandon him. He's expelled from school.
- Evan meets Amy.
- Three other boys spy on Evan.
end of episode 1. Now I hope you didn't read that if you were unfamiliar with the series. So what do you guys think? Does this sound like something little kids would be interested in?
maybe little kids, sure!
nice! that's the age range I'm going for.