I downloaded a zelda sprite online game. It turned out to be a virus. My computer won't start now. I'm on my sister's right now. Kain-Ceverus (the voice of John in CTF) got infected with the virus as well and he lost some precious photos and he had to reformat. Apparently, the game was real and people were actually playing it. Just that some people kept hacking it and the creator got frustrated and uploaded a virus. Well good fucking idea moron because you ruined the computers of a lot of fucking innocent people.
It was time to get a new computer anyway. My old one just wasn't cutting it. I need more RAM anyway because Flash was running extremely slow. Luckily, I have CTF backed up for the most part and the character models which is the most important part. So within the next week, I am going to be doing some mad computer research to see what I should buy. I want at least 2gb of RAM, at least a 120gb hardrive (but nowadays, that's a minimum) and a good videocard and processor. If i had a computer like that, I'd be able to play WoW very smoothly.
So I find myself wondering how much this will cost. I'm guessing around 1800$ canadian but some of my friends are even saying that I can get a good one for 400$ cdn. Sadly, I do not not how much it'll cost. Just that I need it soon for school purposes as well. Any thoughts? Suggestions?
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